May 19, 2013. Walking the ICSC RECON 2013 Marketplace floor, I am struck by the relatively few WOW exhibits of innovative products and solutions I find myself interested in. What do I mean by a WOW exhibit? Simply put, it is a product or service solution in a convention floor booth that when I see it I think to myself “WOW” that’s special.
I recognize this may be a function of who I am, the projects I am working on, and what I personally find interesting but, just the same, I am a bit disappointed. This is not to discount the functional value of products like trash receptacles, park benches, valuation services, drainage components, maintenance systems, and the like – I just did not find most of them particularly compelling or interesting.
Be that as it may, there were a few exhibits I was drawn to and did find interesting. These exhibits had varying degrees of WOW-ness, but they did make this day at RECON 2013 enjoyable. I will share my favorites here:
FIRST PRIZE goes to Liquid Fireworks by Waltzing Waters, Inc. of Cape Coral, Florida.
waltzingwaters.com. This product is a beautiful and captivating synchronized water, light and music display that can be installed inside or out. It is a mesmerizing display that would make a magnificent conversation feature and community draw. I intend to recommend it as a potential external entry feature for a somewhat tired mixed-use entertainment complex I am working with a client to redevelop.
SECOND PRIZE goes to Auto Park-It automated parking systems of Los Angeles, California. autoparkit.com As they say in their literature, “it is parking – rethought, reinvented, and revolutionized.” It is a mechanized parking solution that enables twice as many cars to be parked in the same space as a traditional garage – or the same number of cars in half the footprint. Where land is valuable, or where room for parking is tight, this system looks to be a viable and cost effective solution.
THIRD PRIZE goes to American Wave Machines of Solana Beach, California, maker of two different types of wave generating pool-surfing machines. PerfectSwell is probably best suited for resort areas with a large number of accomplished surfers, but the SurfStream model would likely draw surfers and surfer wannabes of all ages – and requires a much smaller footprint. In colder climes, this system could be installed indoors. This product is not likely a suitable addition for most CRE projects, but for projects focused on family-friendly sports and entertainment – which many projects I work on are – it could be an exciting and unusual addition. I had the pleasure of engaging in an extended conversation with Robbie Meistrell, Chairman of the Board. An accomplished and lifelong surfer himself, Robbie joined forces with this company because of the authentic surfing experience it can provide to surfers of all ages and experience levels.
My HONORABLE MENTION goes to A.C.I. Commercial Roofers of Olney,Illinois. acicr.com They were interesting to talk with, and seemed to have just the right sports-dome membrane roofing solution we have been seeking for a sports-dome redevelopment project I am working on in Henrietta, New York.
All in all – not a bad day.
I will keep you posted on my continuing ICSC RECON 2013 impressions tomorrow. If you get a chance to stop by the RECON MARKETPLACE floor, be sure to check out my favorites.